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Busque en la base de datos de proveedores de ADR

Full Name First Name Last Name Email Phone Number Foreign Language Subject Matter Areas of Law
William Conklin William Conklin 650-361-1163
  1. Securities
  2. Real Estate
  3. Probate - Wills
  4. Personal Injury
  5. Partnership Disputes
  6. Landlord/Tenant
  7. Elder Abuse
  8. Business
John Colistra John Colistra 408-293-4747
  1. Real Estate
  2. Probate - Wills
  3. Partnership Disputes
  4. Landlord/Tenant
  5. Construction
  6. Business
Robert Coelho Robert Coelho 408-287-9501
  1. Labor - Employment
  2. Intellectual Property
  3. Disabilities
  4. Defamation
  5. Civil Rights
George Clause George Clause 408-287-6262
  1. Medical Malpractice
  2. Professional Negligence
  3. Health Care
  4. Elder Abuse
Steven Clark Steven Clark 408-271-3245
John Clark John Clark 408-920-0500
  1. Real Estate
  2. Personal Injury
  3. Business
Lee Clark Lee Clark 415-362-2580
  1. Real Estate
  2. Landlord/Tenant
  3. Insurance
  4. Construction
Samuel Chuck Samuel Chuck 408-261-4252
Robert Christopher Robert Christopher 408-286-9800
Cherie Christensen Cherie Christensen 408-241-9262
  1. Probate - Wills
Robert Chortek Robert Chortek 408-286-5800
Cammie Chen Cammie Chen 408-286-2700
  1. Medical Malpractice
  2. Personal Injury
  3. Labor - Employment
  4. Environment
  5. Disabilities
  6. Defamation
  7. Construction
  8. Business
Theodore Chavez Theodore Chavez 408-376-2754
  1. Real Estate
  2. Partnership Disputes
  3. Landlord/Tenant
  4. Labor - Employment
  5. Elder Abuse
  6. Construction
  7. Business
Thomas Chaffin Thomas Chaffin 650-233-4500
Daniel Casas Daniel Casas 650-948-7200
  1. Real Estate
  2. Landlord/Tenant
  3. Construction
  4. Business
Amy Carlson Amy Carlson 408-392-8644
  1. Personal Injury
  2. Labor - Employment
Richard Caputo Richard Caputo 408-761-8036
  1. Medical Malpractice
  2. Personal Injury
  3. Insurance
Paul Caputo Paul Caputo 408-297-4101
  1. Personal Injury
Nevo Capitina Nevo Capitina 650-967-6904
  1. Real Estate
  2. Probate - Wills
  3. Personal Injury
  4. Landlord/Tenant
  5. Business
  6. Banks/Financial Institutions
Michael Capitina Michael Capitina 650-967-6904
  1. Personal Injury
  2. Family Law
Lance Burrow Lance Burrow 408-993-8493
  1. Real Estate
  2. Professional Negligence
  3. Personal Injury
  4. Landlord/Tenant
  5. Insurance
  6. Housing
  7. Defamation
  8. Construction
  9. Civil Rights
  10. Business
Robert Burchfiel Robert Burchfiel 408-535-1924
  1. Personal Injury
  2. Insurance
  3. Civil Rights
Michael Budra Michael Budra 408-453-8878
Kenneth Bryant Kenneth Bryant 408-268-8175
Dennis Brown Dennis Brown 408-998-4150
Myron Brody Myron Brody 408-573-5700
  1. Real Estate
  2. Partnership Disputes
  3. Landlord/Tenant
  4. Housing
  5. Environment
  6. Construction
  7. Business
Peter Brewer Peter Brewer 650-327-2900
  1. Real Estate
Paul Breen Paul Breen 408-287-9501
  1. Securities
  2. Probate - Wills
  3. Intellectual Property
  4. Business
Thomas Brazier Thomas Brazier 408-280-6800
  1. Medical Malpractice
  2. Professional Negligence
  3. Personal Injury
  4. Labor - Employment
  5. Insurance
John Bradley John Bradley 408-998-2000
Keith Bower Keith Bower 408-261-1200
  1. Personal Injury
  2. Labor - Employment
  3. Insurance
  4. Defamation
  5. Business
Susan Bonney Susan Bonney 408-459-2424
  1. Medical Malpractice
  2. Professional Negligence
  3. Personal Injury
  4. Labor - Employment
  5. Insurance
  6. Construction
Robert Bohn Robert Bohn 408-279-4222
  1. Personal Injury
  2. Labor - Employment
  3. Insurance
Thomas Boehm Thomas Boehm 408-998-8899
Nguyen Binh Nguyen Binh 408-297-2464
  1. Personal Injury
J. Michael Bewley J. Michael Bewley 408-292-9000
  1. Personal Injury
  2. Labor - Employment
Mark Bernal Mark Bernal 408-299-5900
A. Alan Berger A. Alan Berger 408-536-0500
David Bennion David Bennion 408-298-1948
  1. Medical Malpractice
  2. Personal Injury
  3. Insurance
  4. Elder Abuse
Bradley Bening Bradley Bening 408-289-1972
  1. Real Estate
  2. Professional Negligence
  3. Personal Injury
  4. Insurance
  5. Intellectual Property
  6. Construction
  7. Business
Stephen Benda Stephen Benda 650-323-6600
  1. Tax
  2. Professional Negligence
  3. Personal Injury
  4. Business
Robert Bellagamba Robert Bellagamba 925-734-0990
  1. Insurance
  2. Construction
Christopher Beeman Christopher Beeman 925-734-0990
  1. Professional Negligence
  2. Personal Injury
Kevin Bedolla Kevin Bedolla 408-313-9817
  1. Personal Injury
  2. Partnership Disputes
  3. Landlord/Tenant
  4. Labor - Employment
  5. Business
Bradford Baugh Bradford Baugh 650-941-6960
  1. Insurance
  2. Family Law
Nancy Battel Nancy Battel 408-297-5400
  1. Real Estate
  2. Probate - Wills
  3. Personal Injury
  4. Partnership Disputes
  5. Landlord/Tenant
  6. Elder Abuse
  7. Business
William Bassett William Bassett 408-739-5300
Stanley Bartelmie Stanley Bartelmie 408-298-1585
  1. Probate - Wills
  2. Personal Injury
  3. Family Law
  4. Elder Abuse
Jeffrey Barnett Jeffrey Barnett 408-441-7800
Stephan Barber Stephan Barber 408-287-6262
  1. Medical Malpractice
  2. Real Estate
  3. Professional Negligence
  4. Personal Injury
  5. Landlord/Tenant
  6. Labor - Employment
  7. Insurance
  8. Defamation
  9. Construction
  10. Business

DESCARGO DE RESPONSABILIDAD: la corte proporciona esta lista de proveedores de métodos alternativos para resolver conflictos (ADR) como un servicio público. La corte no respalda, recomienda ni ofrece garantía alguna en cuanto a las cualificaciones o la competencia de ninguno de los proveedores de ADR de la lista. La inclusión en la lista se basa en las declaraciones del proveedor de ADR. La corte no asume ninguna obligación o responsabilidad legal por ningún acto u omisión de ningún proveedor de ADR de la lista.

Se recomienda a los mediadores que deseen ser agregados a la base de datos de ADR que presenten una solicitud .
Los mediadores que necesiten actualizar su información de proveedor deberían comunicarse con la corte.  

Para los abogados que estén interesados, vea la Solicitud para prestar servicio como abogado de acuerdos.