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Busque en la base de datos de proveedores de ADR

Full Name First Name Last Name Email Phone Number Foreign Language Subject Matter Areas of Law
Linda MacLeod Linda MacLeod 408-288-8288
  1. Personal Injury
  2. Labor - Employment
Timothy Lundell Timothy Lundell 408-292-1717
  1. Real Estate
  2. Landlord/Tenant
  3. Construction
  4. Business
Robert Luft Robert Luft 408-288-2240
  1. Medical Malpractice
  2. Professional Negligence
  3. Personal Injury
  4. Insurance
  5. Health Care
Stephen Loquaci Stephen Loquaci 408-264-9822
  1. Personal Injury
  2. Insurance
  3. Defamation
  4. Business
Tamara Lopez Tamara Lopez 408-491-4239
  1. Probate - Wills
  2. Labor - Employment
  3. Elder Abuse
Michael Lonich Michael Lonich 408-553-0801
  1. Labor - Employment
  2. Insurance
  3. Construction
  4. Civil Rights
  5. Business
Jeffrey Lochner Jeffrey Lochner 408-354-0948
  1. Professional Negligence
  2. Personal Injury
  3. Labor - Employment
  4. Business
Carl Lindstrom Carl Lindstrom 408-294-5700
  1. Real Estate
  2. Personal Injury
  3. Labor - Employment
Steven Levitan Steven Levitan 408-392-9250
Patricio Letelier Patricio Letelier 408-924-0933
Deborah Leibman Deborah Leibman 650-361-9000
  1. Medical Malpractice
  2. Professional Negligence
  3. Probate - Wills
  4. Personal Injury
  5. Family Law
  6. Elder Abuse
Jonathan Lee Jonathan Lee 408-298-7120
  1. Personal Injury
Jeffrey Lee Jeffrey Lee 650-428-3900
  1. Real Estate
  2. Labor - Employment
  3. Intellectual Property
  4. Environment
  5. Civil Rights
  6. Business
Haeyoung Lee Haeyoung Lee 408-248-3509
  1. Personal Injury
  2. Labor - Employment
  3. Family Law
  4. Business
Mark Lee Mark Lee 650-941-6161
Jeffrey Lederman Jeffrey Lederman 415-817-9212
Andrew Lauderdale Andrew Lauderdale 408-271-5348
  1. Personal Injury
  2. Business
Elizabeth Landess Elizabeth Landess 408-294-8500
Gail Lamchick Gail Lamchick 650-851-8880
  1. Personal Injury
Peter Lamberto Peter Lamberto 408-999-0300
  1. Personal Injury
  2. Labor - Employment
  3. Elder Abuse
Urs Laeuchli Urs Laeuchli 415-670-9602
  1. Medical Malpractice
  2. Real Estate
  3. Professional Negligence
  4. Probate - Wills
  5. Personal Injury
  6. Partnership Disputes
  7. Neighborhood
  8. Landlord/Tenant
  9. Labor - Employment
  10. Insurance
  11. Intellectual Property
  12. Environment
  13. Defamation
  14. Civil Rights
  15. Business
  16. Banks/Financial Institutions
Edward Kwok Edward Kwok 650-463-4033
  1. Intellectual Property
Eben Kurtzman Eben Kurtzman 408-295-2105
  1. Medical Malpractice
  2. Real Estate
  3. Professional Negligence
  4. Personal Injury
  5. Partnership Disputes
  6. Landlord/Tenant
John Krug John Krug 650-579-1422
  1. Medical Malpractice
  2. Professional Negligence
  3. Personal Injury
  4. Insurance
  5. Construction
Brian Kreger Brian Kreger 408-999-0300
Edward Kraus Edward Kraus 408-993-9911
Michael Korda Michael Korda 408-494-0700
Andrew Kislik Andrew Kislik 650-321-3835
  1. Medical Malpractice
  2. Real Estate
  3. Personal Injury
  4. Landlord/Tenant
  5. Labor - Employment
  6. Intellectual Property
  7. Disabilities
  8. Defamation
  9. Business
Sharon Kirsch Sharon Kirsch 408-279-8700
  1. Labor - Employment
  2. Intellectual Property
  3. Disabilities
  4. Defamation
  5. Civil Rights
  6. Business
William Kirkpatrick William Kirkpatrick 408-279-3450
Anthony Kerin III Anthony Kerin III 650-289-1400
  1. Real Estate
  2. Partnership Disputes
  3. Landlord/Tenant
  4. Labor - Employment
  5. Construction
  6. Business
Anne Kepner Anne Kepner 408-261-4272
  1. Personal Injury
  2. Elder Abuse
Dennis Kennelly Dennis Kennelly 650-853-1291
  1. Professional Negligence
  2. Labor - Employment
  3. Disabilities
  4. Defamation
  5. Civil Rights
  6. Business
James Kemp James Kemp 650-325-5367
Paul Kemp Paul Kemp 408-241-1941
  1. Personal Injury
Kevin Kelly Kevin Kelly 415-837-1968
Allen Kato Allen Kato 650-988-8500
  1. Labor - Employment
  2. Disabilities
  3. Defamation
  4. Civil Rights
Peter Kang Peter Kang 650-565-7006
  1. Intellectual Property
Terence Kane Terence Kane 408-938-8020
Robert Kahn Robert Kahn 408-353-3456
  1. Real Estate
  2. Personal Injury
  3. Construction
  4. Business
Daniel Jungwirth Daniel Jungwirth 408-983-1675
  1. Personal Injury
  2. Insurance
Rebecca Sue Jones Rebecca Sue Jones 408-354-1388
  1. Probate - Wills
  2. Personal Injury
  3. Landlord/Tenant
  4. Business
Steven Johnson Steven Johnson 650-849-5300
Nancy Johnson Nancy Johnson 408-286-5800
Lawrence Jensen Lawrence Jensen 408-995-3250
  1. Real Estate
  2. Business
Andrew Jacobsen Andrew Jacobsen 510-208-5500
  1. Partnership Disputes
  2. Landlord/Tenant
  3. Intellectual Property
  4. Business
Jonathan Jackel Jonathan Jackel 408-378-3200
Mark Isola Mark Isola 925-837-2317
  1. Landlord/Tenant
  2. Business
Perry Irvine Perry Irvine 650-328-3001
  1. Securities
  2. Real Estate
  3. Personal Injury
  4. Partnership Disputes
  5. Labor - Employment
  6. Insurance
  7. Intellectual Property
  8. Construction
  9. Business
David Imai David Imai 831-662-1706

DESCARGO DE RESPONSABILIDAD: la corte proporciona esta lista de proveedores de métodos alternativos para resolver conflictos (ADR) como un servicio público. La corte no respalda, recomienda ni ofrece garantía alguna en cuanto a las cualificaciones o la competencia de ninguno de los proveedores de ADR de la lista. La inclusión en la lista se basa en las declaraciones del proveedor de ADR. La corte no asume ninguna obligación o responsabilidad legal por ningún acto u omisión de ningún proveedor de ADR de la lista.

Se recomienda a los mediadores que deseen ser agregados a la base de datos de ADR que presenten una solicitud .
Los mediadores que necesiten actualizar su información de proveedor deberían comunicarse con la corte.  

Para los abogados que estén interesados, vea la Solicitud para prestar servicio como abogado de acuerdos.