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News Release

Color of Justice: Imagine Your Path to Justice

Color of Justice: Imagine Your Path to Justice
Santa Clara County Superior Court hosted an engaging day for youth on overcoming barriers and being part of our justice system
SAN JOSÉ, Calif. (February 23, 2024): On Wednesday, February 21, 2024, the Santa Clara County Superior Court Community Outreach Committee hosted the Superior Court’s fourth Color of Justice program. The Color of Justice Program is designed to promote diversity in the legal profession and in the justice system as a whole, and to provide students, who may or may not have previously envisioned a career in law, a greater understanding of the many pathways and opportunities available to them within the legal field.
"The Color of Justice Event is scheduled amidst holidays commemorating influential leaders such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Fred Korematsu, American Presidents, and Cesar Chavez, all of whom used their voices to enact change on a global scale. On this occasion, the Court aims to reinforce to the youth the importance of cultivating their voices and agency, essential for shaping the future of the justice system. As members of the community, their voices hold weight through avenues like voting, community engagement, and leadership, regardless of their chosen career paths," articulated Hon. Julia Alloggiamento, Chair of the Court Community Outreach Committee. "The Color of Justice event is designed to broaden the horizons of youth by exposing them to a diverse array of professions, including judges, attorneys, social workers, probation officers, law enforcement officials, and youth justice advocates, among others. By listening to the heartfelt and authentic narratives of professionals who have surmounted significant life challenges to attain positions within the legal system, we aspire for students to envision themselves in these roles.”
Attendees encompassed a diverse group of students from eighth graders to college and law school students, hailing from various parts of Santa Clara County. Throughout the day, students engaged in intimate discussions with hand-selected small group leaders from various roles within the County's justice system, exchanging insights on personal goals and brainstorming strategies to achieve them.
“I want my classmates and I to continue to expand our horizons,” said a student from Wilcox High School. “The mentor I was matched with for the event, encouraged us to embrace unfamiliarity in order to gain exposure and learn about ourselves. This is how we will grow and learn about what truly interests us.”
A central focus of the event was the sharing of personal stories by mentors and panelists who have navigated careers within the justice system. These stories served as inspiring examples to students, demonstrating that despite facing personal challenges and vulnerabilities, success within the system is achievable.
Keynote Speaker Hon. Shelyna Brown (Ret.) emphasized the importance of imaginative exploration in her motivational address. She underscored the transformative power of visualization, stating, "My pathway to becoming a judge began with dreaming. The ability to visualize is within everyone's reach."
With the right mindset, heartfelt determination, and essential skills, dreams can indeed be realized. Judge Brown encouraged the youth present, to believe in themselves and their capabilities, asserting that a strong self-belief system coupled with the necessary skills can surmount any obstacles encountered in their journey towards achieving their goals.
The Superior Court extends its gratitude to all attendees, panelists, and supporting organizations for their contributions to the success of this event. The Court's Community Outreach Committee received funding from the California Judges Foundation, a vital supporter dedicated to enhancing Californian communities. Special thanks to Lincoln Law School, Pathways to Law, and the Silicon Valley Urban Debate League (SVUDL).