Juvenile Case Transfers
Juvenile Dependency Matters
Transfer-in hearing dates/times are Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays at 8:30 a.m. Department TBD. Hearings will be held at the Family Justice Center Courthouse.
To obtain a hearing date, please email the Juvenile Dependency transfer-in email group at jdcasetransfers@scscourt.org with the following information:
- Subject Line: Transfer-in from [enter county]-in-custody or Transfer-in from [enter county]-not in-custody
- In the Context: Include the Minor’s Name, Date of Birth, and Parent(s) name(s) and date of transfer-in hearing.
Our calendar clerk will generate a case number, confirm the hearing date selected and provide the Department number within 30 minutes. Therefore, we ask that you do not submit your request until the day of your hearing, after the minor has checked in and the court and all parties are in agreement.
Juvenile Justice Matters
Juvenile Justice Transfer-in matters are heard at the Juvenile Justice Courthouse.
To obtain a hearing date and time please email the Juvenile Justice transfer-in email group at jjcasetransfers@scscourt.org with the following information:
- Subject Line: Transfer-in from [enter county]-in-custody or Transfer-in from [enter county]-not in-custody
- In the Context: Include the Minor’s Name, Date of Birth, and Parent(s) name(s).
Our calendar clerk will generate a case number, schedule a hearing and respond with the department and time to appear within 30 minutes. Therefore, we ask that you do not submit your request until the day of your hearing, after the minor has checked in and the court and all parties are in agreement.