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Unlawful Detainer Landlord/Tenant Form

Do you have a Landlord/Tenant question for the Self-Help Center?

Before you contact the Self-Help Center, please review the information in our Self-Help site by clicking here.

The Self Help Center provides legal information, we cannot provide legal advice.

How is legal advice different from legal information? Legal information is a statement of what the law or legal process is, leaving up to you the decision of how to proceed. Legal advice tells you how you should proceed.

Important: If you need help with a restraining order, emergency custody/visitation, emergency guardianship, filing an answer in an eviction case or asking for more time to stay because you received a Sheriff’s Notice, visit the Self-Help Center in person. For other legal issues that need to be handled immediately, contact the Self-Help Center by phone or Live Chat. Your legal rights may “expire” while you are waiting for an answer by email. Self-Help Center staff cannot give you legal advice, only legal information or referrals to other resources that may be able to help you. If you would like to get legal advice, click here for resources.

Unlawful Detainer Landlord/Tenant Contact Form

Please enter the following required information:

Personal Information


Enter "none" if you haven't filed yet.

Have you ever had an attorney represent you in this case?
Have you visited this Self-Help Center before?
What language do you feel most comfortable speaking?

Unlawful Detainer (Eviction)- Landlord/Tenant

The Self-Help Center doesn't help with the following housing issues/situations. Please find an attorney who can help you.

  • Foreclosure
  • Home Owner's Associations (HOAs)
  • Mobile Homes
  • Business Tenants
  • Corporations
  • No Discovery
  • No trial preparation

Visit our Self-Help UD page and UD Resources flyer .

If you have been served with a Notice or an Unlawful Detainer lawsuit please immediately contact an attorney, a Legal Services agency , or the Court’s Self-Help Center for help. You usually only have 10 days to respond. Do not submit questions through this website in this situation.

Unlawful Detainer

I am the:

Questions that apply to a Landlord

What kind of eviction do you need help with?

*Note: The Self Help Center does not assist with commercial evictions. You will need to contact a private attorney for further assistance.

Does your Tenant owe you rent?

My Tenant has not paid their rent.

If your tenant owes you rent, have you already given them notice?
Yes, I gave them the notice below:
If your tenant owes you rent, have you applied for rental assistance program?
Yes, I have applied for the rental assistance, and the status of my application is:
My tenant does not owe me rent, AND this is an emergency situation
Is the rental property a Section 8 property or other kind of subsidized housing?

Now, I need help with request to enter default/default judgment.

Questions that apply to a Tenant

What kind of rental are you being evicted from?

Note: The Self Help Center does not assist with commercial evictions. You will need to contact a private attorney for further assistance.

Have you been served with a notice?
Yes, I have been served with a...

If you received a notice asking for rent owed, answer the following questions

If rent demanded is from 3/2020 through 9/2021

 Mark all that applies.

If you are a tenant and owe rent, have you applied for rental assistance?
Yes, I have applied for the rental assistance, and the status of my application is
If you do not owe rent, and received a notice from your landlord, check the box that applies:
Is the rental property a Section 8 property or other kind of subsidized housing?
Have you been served with a Summons and Complaint?
Have you received a notice to vacate from the Sheriff’s Office?

Note: If a Sheriff has posted this notice on your door, you will want to act immediately. Failure to do so could result in you being locked out of your rental.

I have received a notice to vacate from the Sheriff’s Office and now I need to ask for more time to move out.

Your Questions

Briefly tell us about your situation:

State your specific questions

(at least one question is required)

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