Purchasing & Contracting
Overview: RFPs (Request for Proposal), RFIs (Request for Interest), and RFQs (Request for Quote) are used to procure services, products, and information for the Court from outside agencies and private industry.
- Open Requests: RFP, RFI, and RFQ page
- Closed Requests: See previously posted documents and Intent to Award Letters on the RFP/RFI/RFQ page
- Vendor List Request Form: Please submit this form to be added to our vendor list
Small Business and Disabled Veterans Business Enterprise Programs: The Superior Court in Santa Clara County welcomes Small Business (SB) and Disabled Veterans Business Enterprise (DVBE) contractors and suppliers as business partners. The State of California established the SB and DVBE Certification Programs to increase business opportunities for the SB and DVBE community. The programs help SBs and DVBEs participate on a more level playing field when competing for state contracts.