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Requesting a CD of the Civil Case Index

What case information is available?

The Superior Court has a form (Order for CD-ROM Index form ) to request (at cost) a CD-ROM disk containing information downloaded from the Court’s Case Information Portal (link is external).

Public access to trial court records maintained in electronic format is governed by California Rules of Court, Title 2 , specifically Division 4 (Court Records), Chapter 2 (Public Access to Electronic Trial Court Records), rules 2.500 through 2.507. Click to start at Rule 2.500 and then use the "Next Rule >>" link at the top of each page to continue viewing the applicable rules through Rule 2.507.

The data will include the following:

  • Case number, title, file date, disposition date, status, and case type,
  • Associated case numbers and type of relationship between the cases,
  • Party name and type,
  • Name and address of counsel,
  • Motion/document/order description, file date, by and against parties, ruling description and date, and
  • Scheduled event date, time, department, type, result type and date, notice print date and reset date.

How up-to-date is the information on the CD?

The data provided will be a compilation of the data from the civil case management system contained on the Court’s Case Information Portal(link is external) through the last complete quarter preceding the date of any request. The bulk data disk will be updated on a quarterly basis shortly after the end of each quarter.

The information will be available in tab delimited ASCII text format and will be accompanied by a data dictionary defining each of the data elements. While the Court attempts to keep the information on the Case Information Portal current and accurate, this data is not the official record of the Court and the Court is not responsible for any mistakes, errors or inaccuracies contained on the public website or the disk.

The Court assumes no liability or responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the data provided, nor for any damage or injury caused by the use or misuse of this data or the disk. A defective disk will be replaced by the Court at no additional charge, however, use of the disk shall be at the user’s risk, and the Court shall not be liable for any consequential damages resulting from a faulty disk or the use of the information contained therein. See the CD-ROM Terms and Conditions for more information.

Is there a charge for the CD?

The Court will assess as a charge for the disk, the actual cost of creating the disk, and administrative costs in processing such requests. The Court will provide a copy of the disk upon receipt by the Court of the Order for CD-ROM Index form and payment of the associated fee.

A request for Public Index CD-ROM cannot be made by any individual or organization more than once every quarter. Preparing compilations of bulk data for non-court use is not a part of normal court operations and, as such, places burdens on the Court’s resources.

If the Court concludes that such burdens are excessive, it may terminate this policy or modify its terms without prior notice.