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Mandatory Settlement Conferences

When is the Mandatory Settlement Conference?

Usually, the Mandatory Settlement Conference takes place the Wednesday before the Monday Trial date. Most conferences take place in the Courthouse. You will get your date for the Mandatory Settlement Conference at the same time you get your Trial date. This normally happens after you have tried some kind of ADR, but your case has not settled. The judge will try to give you 60 to 90 days’ notice of your Mandatory Settlement Conference date and your trial date.

What is a Settlement Statement?

Five days before the Mandatory Settlement Conference, both you and the other party must serve and file a Settlement Statement. Your statement must tell the court how settlement efforts are going.

Who hears the conference?

A temporary judge will hear your Mandatory Settlement Conference. All temporary judges are experienced lawyers who volunteer to serve as Settlement Conference Judges.

What should I expect?

The purpose of the Mandatory Settlement Conference is to settle your case. Be prepared for serious discussions of how your case can be resolved.