Family Law Process
This page contains a flowchart beginning with filing of a divorce through judgment, and includes custody issues, parent orientation, mediation, and settlement.

- Petition, Summons and other required forms are filed
- A Request for Order, Stipulation (agreement) or DVPA action can be filed with, or after, the case is opened. Exception: You do not have to open a case to ask for Domestic Violence Prevention Act (DVPA) restraining orders.
- Status or Case Resolution conferences are scheduled regularly until the case is resolved
- Ordered very selectively to resolve emergency issues
- If Dept. of Child Support Services (DCSS) is involved will be scheduled with a support Commissioner
- Divorce/Legal Separation/Nullity/Domestic Partner cases only
- For self-represented parties only
- Set by Judge, Settlement Officer, Self-Help Center or if a Request for Trial form is filed
- Must be established before custody/visitation, child support & name change orders made
- Contested, Family Code §2336 (Stipulated Judgment or Marital Settlement Agreement) or Default Judgment