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Proof Of Corrections ("Fix-It Tickets")

Proof of Corrections

To get your ticket (citation) signed off, ask:

  • A police officer for equipment violations on your car
  • DMV for license and registration violations
  • A Court Clerk for insurance, license, and registration violations (You must have the correct documentation.)

Police agencies will charge you a fee to sign off the citation. The Court will charge you a dismissal fee. (Bail for moving violations or any non proof of correction eligible violations must be paid in addition to the dismissal fee.)

Your courtesy notice will indicate whether or not you can pay for the violation or if you have to show proof of correction.

If your violation requires proof of correction and you are unable to correct the violation, you can schedule a court date. Click to go to the Court Dates page to read about how to request a court date.

If the violation does not require proof of correction, you can forfeit bail (pay the fine) and close your case. Click to go to the Bail Forfeiture page to read about how to pay your fine. Your courtesy notice says:

  • if you can pay for the violation, or
  • if you have to show proof of correction.

If you signed the ticket, you are responsible for taking care of the citation.  If you cannot correct the violation because it is not your vehicle, you can:

Once your ticket is signed off you must submit the signed off citation to the Court Clerk along with your dismissal fees.